Performance Reflection

I performed Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps by Doris Day for my assessment. Check out my preparation post here.

  • Your technique – actually how you played/sung the notes
  • Execution of correct notes
  • Dynamics and Expressive Techniques used
  • Performance expression/technique – how did you perform not just play
  • Comment on your preparation
  • Recommendations for further practice and preparation
  • Specific goals you wish to achieve in relation to this piece before you perform this for your HSC.

I was both happy and disappointed with my performance. Leading up to the performance I was quite sick for at least a week, nearly losing my voice on one of the days. I had a singing lesson a few days prior but I still struggled. I sang in my chest voice the whole time which helped because I didn’t have to use extra support on top of trying to help my weak voice. My breathing was quite good, I think I knew my phrases really well and I didn’t really struggle with this as much as I have before. I know I didn’t execute the notes all correctly. Both my pitch and strength in my vibrato and in general was effected from my illness. I used accents in the chorus and I think I articulated really well throughout the song. I had a change in dynamics from the verses to the chorus. There was also staccato and some legato. I don’t really think I actually performed it that well, I really could’ve done more. I did a little impromptu dance thing but that was terrible. I definitely could’ve prepared more but it was so hard to do in the days leading up to it because I couldn’t sing. I did actually have a plan to sing more but it obviously didn’t happen so I guess the tip for next time is to not get sick. For the HSC I really want to hit those higher notes with force and strengthen my vibrato. Also not to be so totally awkward when performing.